Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Reverse Super Size Me

It may be Andrew Facca's first film. But he's absolutely confident there will be a market for it. The film, Voyage to Betterment, debuts tomorrow at Windsor's Lakeshore Cinemas. Facca, who used to own a manufacturing company and currently has an organic restaurant and a bar in downtown Windsor, had long been interested in what makes people sick. As a businessman he spent a lot of time in Mexico and California and noticed numerous juice bars. "It was apparent that the lifestyles of the people in San Diego were a lot different than the lifestyle of the average person in Windsor." His business partner, Dave Haas, was out of shape and noticed Andrew's different way of living. He asked how he could be healthier. Andrew decided to give him a 30 day challenge. He worked with a lab that put Dave through a number of before-and-after tests. Dave went from 225 to 195 pounds. His risk of diabetes declined 63 per cent. Heart disease, diabetes and cancer dropped 50 per cent.....That's when Andrew came up with the idea of a film. He assembled a group of eight Windsorites. They went through a similar 30 day experiment. The film shows their journey about how they thought about their health and what they did to make themselves healthier. It's sort of a reverse Super Size Me. The movie looks at the physical as well as the metaphysical. It attempts to "discover the hidden elements that contribute to well-being." Even the late great David Carradine makes an appearance. Facca is obsessed with preventive health. His mother suffered a massive heart attack. By age 23, 75 per cent of Americans have advanced arterial plaque; in 1900 one in 500 got cancer, today it's one in 2.5. But the film argues it's all preventable. The film's refrain: "Got consciousness?".....For more info & to purchase tickets go to the web site The film runs until Nov. 19. A gala reception will be held Thursday night.....Facca figures the film is powerful enough to get distribition. He's scouting film festivals. "There's been a really considerable interest from distributors."

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